
Legion’s New Normal

Like everyone else, Legion has spent the past five weeks figuring out how our entirely in-office team could suddenly, in the course of three days, become an entirely remote team. Needless to say, it’s been a *bit* hectic. The first week and a half mostly consisted of a lot of frantic phone calls, people driving […]

What is a dedicated carrier and why should I care?

Something I hear often when approaching new customers is, “I use the same carrier(s) that I’ve used for the last ten years because they’re reliable and do a good job.” Typically, that’s just a way for the customer to kindly decline further conversation about their freight needs…

Interns at Legion

It’s the start of a new semester, which means Legion has new interns getting their hands dirty learning everything they can. Interns are always so excited on their first day and even their first week starting their new job…

Technology at Legion

Technology has come a long way, and it is always advancing. But what does that mean, and what effect does it have on HR functions at Legion Logistics…

Technology as a Force Multiplier

Technology. I love it. I hate it. I want more of it. I’m addicted to it. It promises so much, and if I had unlimited resources, what I could do with technology! Companies of all sizes promise to solve your logistical problems with their great technology, but is it really the technology that is solving your problems…

Technology is No Substitute for Problem Solving

Our industry is on the horizon of a tech renaissance. New, snazzy TMS systems are popping up left and right while route planning/truck calibration mechanisms are becoming ever more popular. This will undoubtedly cut costs and increase efficiencies all around…

How Technology Affects Carriers

It seems like almost every day I read another article about new technology in the trucking industry. I read stories about self-driving trucks, automated warehouses, tracking apps, and fleet management systems, to name a few…

Servant Hearted Leadership

Great indignation is felt by many brokers in our industry. We are perceived as distrustful, untruthful, unnecessary middle-people. Capacity is higher than ever and the popular play for many customers I speak to every day is the pursuit of relationships solely with asset-based carriers. Thus many brokers fulfill their own prophecy, and become that which …

The Importance of Broker-Carrier Partnerships

As a former driver, I have dealt with great brokers and not-so-great brokers in the industry first hand. I can remember being incredibly happy when my dispatcher would tell me to call one of the good brokers to get the details of my next load, just as much as I can remember the dread I …