Work at Legion
Do you have what it takes?
Current openings
Right Hand Person
We need a Right Hand Person to dispatch and track all of our freight.
Are you up to the challenge?
Sales Intern
If you’re interested in sales, marketing, entrepreneurship, or logistics, Legion is the place to intern.
You’ll get actual experience that helps your education and future career. And you’ll be paid for it. The downside is that you might be overwhelmed by our awesomeness.
What’s working life like at Legion — and why you should join us!
Choosing where to work is never easy.
We know that you aren’t going to make the decision to work for us based solely on a website visit. However, here are what we think are the four most important reasons you should consider Legion as the next stop on your career path.
Competitive pay
If you are giving us the majority of your waking hours, you should get paid well in return. We regularly check our pay against the market to make sure we’re paying competitive wages and offering the right incentives. We pride ourselves on paying at the top of the range for all our positions, because we hire the best and they are worth it.
Excellent training
Most people who come to work at Legion have never worked in logistics before — and that’s okay! We have spent countless hours developing a best-in-class training program that starts on day one and never really ends. A mix of classroom and experiential training helps everyone learn in the style that suits them, and we provide ongoing professional development to keep everyone at the cutting edge.
People-centric attitude
Legion began with a handful of people in the basement of a house, and we’ve never lost touch with that. We care deeply about our employees as people, not just numbers. We celebrate their important moments — marriages, babies, graduations — and we support our folks through their tough moments. When you come to work at Legion, you’ll become part of a group that genuinely cares about you, and who will work overtime to make you feel at home.
Awesome Culture
What we do is stressful, no doubt about it. We work with man and machine, and both are unpredictable (so are traffic and weather, two other things we work with all the time).
In order to balance out that stress a little, we like to have fun in the office. Whether it’s sharing a beer at the Tiki Bar on Fridays (or any day we close a customer) or chucking watermelons in the parking lot to celebrate the start of produce season in Florida, we find ways to let off some steam, have a few laughs and sometimes even get some physical activity.
Legion’s 22 rules for success
After our first ten years in business, we sat down to outline exactly what it takes to be a successful Legion employee—someone who contributes every day, helps Legion grow, and is generally pretty awesome.
These 22 Rules for Success outline the behaviors that our best employees embody. Follow these rules, and you'll become an indispensable part of our organization. (And dial up your awesome factor about 1000%.)
- Be organized. Have a plan for your work and prioritize your tasks. Put all calls, appointments and tasks on your calendar and invite the right people to join you. Keep a neat work area. Don’t lose things.
- Be Legion. Be a good ambassador of Legion with partners, vendors and the community. Demonstrate the qualities that make you a good Legion employee, and stay open to opportunities in your interactions outside the company. You never know when you’ll meet a future customer, carrier or employee.
- Be decent. Treat everyone with respect. Be humble, honest, kind, and non-judgmental. Help each other. Don't participate in office politics or gossip.
- Trust the process. Learn all the processes associated with your job. Follow the process every time. Bring ideas for improvement to your supervisor. Trust that the process is the best possible way to success.
- Embrace change. We are a constantly evolving organization. Be open to change. Commit fully to new processes and don't hold onto the old way of doing things. Give honest, productive feedback and bring ideas to the table.
- Ask questions. Don’t assume. Always ask for clarification, information, or help when you need it. Be sure you are crystal clear on details before moving forward. Balance skepticism and trust when dealing with outside partners.
- Remain positive. Every day presents a new opportunity to be successful. Stay focused on solutions, not problems. Count the yes’s and forget about the no’s. Think about the results of the hard work, not the hard work itself.
- Listen openly. Acknowledge people when they are speaking to you. Put away your phone in meetings and take notes. Accept criticism and suggestions without getting defensive or shutting down. Don’t keep score or punish people for being honest.
- Own it. you are responsible for your own work, and it needs to be done well. Do the right thing even when it doesn’t benefit you. Don’t make excuses. Own your successes, and share them with the team.
- Solve problems. If you see a problem, you own it. It is your responsibility to think critically and find a solution. If your mistake caused the problem, learn from it and don’t repeat it. Confront problems immediately—bad news never gets better with time.
- Communicate clearly. All your communication—face-to- face, over the phone, or in writing— should be brief, factual, precise, and clear. Respect people’s time and get to the point. Re-read every email before hitting send and ask for a second opinion on important messages. Reply all.
- Finish the job. We don’t half-ass. Attack your work with tenacity and work until the job is done. Before leaving, check on everything and send updates. Follow through on commitments. Meet deadlines.
- Answer the phone. Answer the phone when it rings. Respond to emails in a timely fashion. If you are going to be unavailable, let your supervisor know and have someone else designated to answer requests.
- Earn your seat. Contribute to Legion every day. Ask for additional work if you aren’t busy. Pitch in. Don’t waste time. Be at your desk, ready to work at the start of the day, and keep working until you clock out.
- Maintain perspective. Stay calm. Focus on the big picture and don’t dwell on past mistakes. Understand that today’s work will contribute to tomorrow’s success— there is no such thing as instant gratification.
- Stay hungry. Set audacious goals. Move the chains. Refuse to maintain the status quo. Constantly strive to improve.
- Be accurate. Pay attention to detail. Take as much time as you need to do your work properly. Review your work, or have someone else review it for you.
- Become an expert. Commit to personal growth. Seek out knowledge. Never stop learning about our industry and your part in it. Understand how your work affects others at Legion. Teach others what you know.
- Move with purpose. Attack the day. Don’t be afraid to make a decision. Complete your tasks every day with urgency.
- Take care. Be a good steward of Legion’s resources. Don’t waste time, money, or energy. Make every dollar you can when you sell, and save every dollar you can when you buy. Contribute more to Legion than you take.
- Take initiative. Set your own goals. Work independently. Clarify who has responsibility for tasks. Take leadership in situations where there is none. If you see work that needs to be done, do it.
- Set an example. Live these (rules/tenets/basics) every day. Help new people understand how we operate. Motivate others to be exceptional contributors to Legion.
What we look for in our people
One of the questions we are asked all the time is what makes an ideal candidate for a sales job here at Legion. It’s taken us a lot of trial and error, but here’s what we feel what it takes to be a successful Problem Solver.
A positive attitude
Sales is hard. Logistics is hard. Selling logistics is really hard. And frustrating. And stressful. A good Problem Solver will be resilient and have a great deal of emotional maturity. To weather the storms (sometimes quite literally) of this business, you have to be able to take a bad day and — rather than letting it turn into two bad days, or a bad week, or a bad month — turn it into an opportunity to reset, recharge, and refit.
A sense of urgency
Our business is all about timing. Freight needs to get to where it is going on time, every time. Our customers count on us to understand that. There is nothing in our industry that happens slowly, and anyone working in a sales capacity for us needs to move with urgency and speed. We have to all come in ready to attack the day, and when problems arise (as they inevitably do), we have to problem-solve with a sense of purpose. Someone who cannot will never be successful at Legion or anywhere else in logistics.
Culture fit
For years, we’ve worked diligently to create an environment where people are comfortable being themselves. Our team members understand that we, as leaders, care about them as humans, and they know we won’t tolerate people treating others badly. This goes for gossip, or general poor ethics as well. In the past, we’ve had people on the staff who violated those tenets. Only once we got rid of all the toxic, negative people were we able to feel like our culture had finally jelled. We only hire people we believe will contribute to the positive atmosphere at Legion.
Can take and act on feedback
One of the most important aspects of being a successful salesperson is the ability to take, and incorporate, feedback into your performance. Management meets with all our Problem Solvers on a weekly basis. For those sessions to be useful, informative and motivational, Problem Solvers must be open-minded. Defensive attitudes prevent improvement and success. Prospective employees must demonstrate that they are open to suggestion, constructive criticism, and can to learn from others.
Hear from the team
Where you work — and who you work with — is just as important as what you are doing.
We want you to know as much as you can about Legion before you decide to come work here. Here are just a few videos to help you get to know us, our management style, and our work culture, better.